Data-Driven Marketing is not opinion-based. Our system is technical and supported by clean data. We test everything and verify with facts.
We partner with you to provide the best possible return on investment, throughout every step of our process:
Plan and Launch
Report and Test
Nurture and Optimize
During the discovery phase, we conduct a full-scale marketing and technology audit to systematically analyze as many data resources available to us in your internal and external marketing and sales environment as possible.
We examine assets, budgets, strategies, and marketing operations already at work within your organization. We also examine the economy, competition, and other factors that externally influence buying decisions for your customers.
With your input - we design, plan and then launch our skillfully crafted campaign(s). By integrating multiple platforms / systems and properly targeting ads for maximum effectiveness, we nurture your audience and capture every possible data point.
As we start to gather data from campaigns, this phase of our process occurs almost immediately. We analyze results, interpret the data and utilize it to make informed decisions to keep refining our strategy. We identify steps that can be automated through technology to generate scale. At DDM, we always address points of interest to determine the path ahead so that we can deliver on your KPIs and business growth.
As an ongoing part of our process, we always nurture and optimize our marketing efforts. We set-up campaigns using multi-variate testing to ensure that results support the optimizations that we make in future iterations. We ensure that all data is properly flowing from system to system and any automations are operating, as intended. We make calculated decisions and help find ways to optimize your campaigns and business strategies to get a better return on your marketing investment.